2926 West 19th Street
2926 West 19th Street is designed to complement the famous Coney Island neighborhood through varied massing and vibrant brick and metal cladding.
2926 West 19th Street is a new 100% affordable, multi-building residential project that spans an entire city block in Brooklyn. The project is located in Coney Island, across the street from the Brooklyn Cyclones Stadium, and one block north from the ocean and the famous Coney Island parachute jump, a defunct but nationally landmarked amusement ride. To the north and east the local context includes a mix of low-rise residences, most clad in red or beige brick, while to the west sit taller multi-family towers. Surf Avenue, on which the project fronts, is a busy thoroughfare that is undergoing significant changes as more residents move to the area.
The new 446-unit development at 2926 responds to the wide variety of context cues by varying both the massing of the buildings as well as the color of brick cladding. Two 16-story towers, located at the northeast and southwest corners of the block have amazing views of the ocean.

A variety of brick colors were used to compliment Coney Island’s character.
A wide color palette allowed the design team to visually relate the development to the masonry neighborhood in which the project sits, as well as to the famously bold color schemes at the nearby Coney Island amusement park - and the seaside.
A series of low-rise volumes are clad in a red four-brick blend, while stack bonds at window jambs and soldier courses at window heads and parapets add a secondary layer of brick detail and add visual interest and intimacy. Street facing facades of the taller towers are clad in light toned concrete block accented with 100% post-consumer blue recycled glass aggregate. Blue accents are further carried over from the podium with brick in four shades of blue interspersed between windows, creating a sense of movement to the façade and visually relating the towers to their oceanside context.

An intimate ground-level experience was important for the pedestrian-heavy neighborhood.
Residential and retail entrances are elegantly framed in brick and metal. To tie the volumes together, blue metal panel cladding cuts through the red brick at multiple locations and complements the blue metal fins that are employed at window jambs.