4 Harbor Life Sciences Center

Client Beacon Capital Partners
Location Boston, Massachusetts
Status In Design

4 Harbor is defined by a gridded lattice facade and a large glass volume overlooking a new landscaped plaza.

4 Harbor is a new life sciences and commercial building situated on South Boston’s waterfront. With 320,000 sq. ft. of commercial core and shell life sciences space, the building provides distinctive open space, amenities, and experiences to attract employers, employees, and the surrounding community. Together with Handel Architects' 2 Harbor, this building is part of a wave of new life sciences projects that are redefining Boston's Seaport district.

The building's size and scale are designed to fit within the context of the site’s surrounding architecture. Metal framing in a worn copper hue provides a soft contrast to 2 Harbor’s bold frame and surfaces. Both structures' materials reference the history of the neighborhood, which served as a Navy shipyard for over fifty years and was characterized by metal-framed warehouse structures.

4 Harbor is designed to be LEED-Platinum and WELL Gold certified.

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The primary building mass is set back from the adjacent gateway plaza, acting as a backdrop to this publicly accessible park.

4 Harbor also maintains a 20-foot setback along Harbor Street, continuing a generous public realm on the west side of the street that first began with 2 Harbor, and further improving the pedestrian experience between Northern and Drydock Avenues.

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The size and scale of 4 Harbor is consistent with adjacent buildings on Harbor Street.

The setbacks of the building visually align with its neighbors, while the gridded lattice of its facade reflects the former character of this industrial marine park.

Changes in material occur at critical, public-facing vantage points to further break down the building’s mass and create visual interest.

The northwest corner of the building is articulated with a signature vertical volume which highlights the building’s entry and draws a distinction with 2 Harbor. The glass transparency is repeated in smaller form on the northeast and southeast corners of the building to address the offset conditions of the street wall, visually connects the interior space to the street and the park beyond. Above the entry, individual terraces facing the park create outdoor space on each floor, culminating in a large amenity terrace at the ninth level.

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Handel Architects also designed the neighboring 2 Harbor Life Sciences Center.

2 Harbor utilizes a more uniform facade expression in a copper tone.


Design Architect Architect of Record

Project Team

Blake Middleton David Woshinsky Harry Solie Jinwoo Kim Valentina Sastoque Jason Fung


Collaborating Architect - STUDIO ENÉE

