July 15, 2024

Winthrop Center wins Green GOOD DESIGN Sustainability Award

Project celebrated for using 65% less energy than the average Boston office building.

We are proud that Winthrop Center has won a design award from The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design. The Green GOOD DESIGN Sustainability Awards' goal is to bestow international recognition to those outstanding individuals, companies, organizations, governments, and institutions - together with their products, services, programs, ideas, and concepts-that have forwarded exceptional thinking and inspired greater progress toward a healthier and more sustainable universe.

Winthrop Center is targeting LEED Gold, while the office program is Passive House and WELL Gold Certified. This is achieved through a high-performance façade, low-energy mechanical system design, and an operational approach focused on improving tenant health. To meet the high bar for energy performance, particularly at the office program, the exterior envelope needed to meet rigorous quality control during installation. The curtainwall design employs a robust, triple glazed insulated glass window unit coupled with glass spandrel panels to obtain an average R-value of 7.35 Btu/hr.ft².°F.

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