Project has transformed the Journal Square neighborhood.
We are proud to mark the completion of Journal Squared, a project fifteen years in the making. Journal Squared includes 1,840 rental apartments in 2.3 million sq.ft., as well as a variety of amenities. It also transformed the traditional back door of the Journal Square PATH station into a new front door with a sweeping pedestrian plaza for community events, pedestrian connections from the surrounding community, 36,000 sq. ft. of retail, and a redesigned Magnolia Avenue into a new public plaza and shared street.
We’re grateful to the many great partners we worked with along the way, including our clients The KRE Group and National Real Estate Advisors, as well as design partner Hollwich Kushner. Congratulations to everyone on this big accomplishment, and for the positive impact that it has had on Journal Square.
There were many contributors on the Handel side, including Gary Handel, Amar Sen, Jonathan Morefield, Soyae Baek, Solene Clavel, Seth Riseman, Ankur Verma, Emil Stojakovic, Ignacio Iratchet, Amaory Portorreal, Ann Chai, Beidi Zhan, Carolina Clemente, Constance Chang, Eric Tan, Erica Alonzo, Hyungjoon Kim, Joy Liu, Mark Lien, Matthew Haseltine, Nubia Garcia, Peter Travis, Robert Nagy, Sina Mesdaghi, Tamara Hinojosa, Wook Kang, Yuan-Yu Chen. We thank everyone for working to make this project a success!